Where We Come From
Founded in 1997, Bartlett Engineering & Surveying has grown into a multi-million dollar company serving private, commercial, educational and municipal sectors throughout North Carolina. We are passionate in our work . . . invested in our clients . . . philanthropic toward our community . . . and, as a full-service civil engineering and surveying firm, we have literally made an impact on the world around us.
What We Strive For
Everything we do is driven by our goals of providing best-in-class engineering services for all clients. This means acting with social and environmental responsibility and integrity. It also entails producing high-quality results that are long-lasting and sustainable.
Bartlett Engineering's mission statement does not declare how we strive to be the best engineering firm around. Rather, our mission statement is Biblically inspired, reflecting the true heart of our company. With each of us at Bartlett embracing this mission, being the best seems inevitable.
Our Core Values
Whereas our mission statement provides strategic vision and direction for Bartlett Engineering, our core values remain constant, acting as a frame to our mission. We realize that our values not only influence the way we conduct business, they also affect each individual employee and every client that knocks on our door. And though they might seem commonplace, our core values are thoughtfully conceived and embraced in order to honor these relationships.